Multilevel perspective mapping

2022-02-26 22:23

  • Originated by Frank Geels (2002) Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes. See diagram
    • Landscape developments - an example of this could be exploitation of the commons
    • Socio-technical regimes - stable point of system. Rules and norms, and where we live our everyday lives.
    • Technological niches - Innovations from the niche can change the socio-technical reigems. For example, online shopping
  • The map is not the territory - [[perception]]
    • A photo of a place is a map, and a map is a map - neither are the place itself, the experience
  • Mapping for problem articulation and identifying leverage points
  • Bateson asks us to ask what change is happening when we see change - at what levels.
  • Change is elusive. Pick something up with your hand and drop it - and it'll feel different from the other hand
    • Attempting change often results in tightening the knots of the problems trying to solve
  • Niki's challenges to MLP is that it. doesn't account for people's lived experience
    • The aim is not to convince people to change - that would be an enactment of power over them. Just show them...but you're doing that with the map - it has authority
    • Provide opportunities for change to emerge
  • The representation of the map affects how useful it is
    • Niki structures it as a hole - with niches represented across every layer
    • And can affect how to identify leverage points
  • [[maps]]